singularity of foliated toric pair DMATMMJ7

singularity of foliated toric pair

Theorem 0.6. Let (FW , ∆) be a toric foliated pair on a Q-factorial toric variety XΣ. (1) (Proposition 2.11) If FW has only simple singularities, then it has at worst canonical singualrities. (2) (Corollary 3.10 and Proposition 3.11) If (FW , ∆) is F-dlt, then it is log canonical and FW is non-dicritical. (3) (Proposition 3.12) If (FW , ∆) is canonical, then FW is non-dicritical. (4) (Theorem 1.23 and Proposition 3.3) If XΣ is smooth, then the following statements are equivalent: (a) FW is non-dicritical. (b) FW is strongly non-dicritical (c) FW has only simple singularities. (pdf) (Chang 和 Chen, 2023, p. 2)