Hodge bundle-DINTFLHQ

Hodge bundle

“The Hodge bundle (or automorphic bundle), denoted by L (Λ, Γ), is a fundamental fractional (orbifold) line bundle on FΛ(Γ); it is defined as the quotient of OD + Λ (−1) by Γ, where OD+ Λ (−1) is the restriction to D+ Λ of the tautological line bundle on P(ΛC). We recall that L (Λ, Γ) extends to an ample fractional line bundle L ∗(Λ, Γ) on the Baily–Borel compactification FΛ(Γ)∗, and that the sections of mL ∗(Λ, Γ) are precisely the weight-m Γ-automorphic forms. We let λ(Λ, Γ) := c1(L (Λ, Γ)); thus, λ(Λ, Γ) is a Q-Cartier divisor class.” (Laza 和 O’Grady, 2019, p. 1663)

“zotero” (Laza 和 O’Grady, 2019, p. 1663)

Referred in K3Moduli:obsidian zotero



“Theorem A. Let (X, F, B) be a Q-factorial projective F-dlt foliated triple such that F is algebraically integrable. Let A be an ample R-divisor on X. Then: (1) The cone theorem, contraction theorem, and the existence of flips hold for (X, F, B). In particular, we can run a (KF + B)-MMP. (2) If KF + B + A is nef, then KF + B + A is semi-ample1. (3) If B ≥ A ≥ 0, then (X, F, B) has a good minimal model or a Mori fiber space. (4) If KF + B + A is Q-Cartier, then the canonical ring of KF + B + A, R(X, KF + B + A) = +∞ ⊕ m=0 H0(X, OX (⌊m(KF + B + A)⌋)), is finitely generated.” (Chen 等, 2023)

Referred in FoliationMMP zotero obsidian

Stratification of $\mathcal{H}$-RWRLHEEQ

Stratification of $\mathcal{H}$

In between, we expect a series of flips, dictated by the structure of the preimage of Δ under the quotient map π : D → F . More precisely, let H := π−1(supp Δ); then H is a union of hyperplane sections of D, and hence is stratified by closed subsets, where a stratum is determined by the number of independent sheets (“independent sheets” means that their defining equations have linearly independent differentials) of H containing the general point of the stratum. The stratification of H induces a stratification of supp Δ, where the strata of supp Δ are indexed by the “number of sheets” (in D, not in F = Γ \D). Roughly speaking, Looijenga predicts that a stratum of supp Δ corresponding to k (at least) sheets meeting (in D) is flipped to a dimension k − 1 locus on the GIT side.

“zotero” (Laza 和 O’Grady, 2018, p. 226)

Referred in K3Moduli:obsidian zotero



$rational \subset unirational \subset rationally connected \subset uniruled$

where uniruled if $\mathbb{P}^1\times Y \dashrightarrow X$ dominate.
Def: A variety $X$ is ratinally connected if it is proper and exists a variety $M$ and a rational map
$$ e:\mathbb{P}^1\times M \dashrightarrow X $$
s.t. the rational map
$$ \mathbb{P}^1\times \mathbb{P}^1 \times M \dashrightarrow X\times X $$
is dominant

An example for uniruled but not rationality connected:
$X = \mathbb{p}^1\times E$ with $g(E)\geqslant 1$. All rational curves in $X$ is vertical.


Let $f: Y \dashrightarrow X$ be a rational dominant map, and $Y,X$ smooth projective varities, then $\kappa (Y) \geqslant \kappa (X)$


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