fdlt and fls foliated toric S9EVS9KG

fdlt and fls foliated toric

Proposition 0.5 (= Proposition 3.9). Let (FW , ∆) be a toric foliated pair on a Q-factorial toric variety XΣ. (1) (FW , ∆) is foliated log smooth if and only if Σ is smooth and (Σ, W ) satisfies the condition (†). Note that (FW , ∆) may not be log canonical. (2) (FW , ∆) is F-dlt if and only if the following statements hold true: (a) Supp(∆) ⊂ ⋃ ρ⊂W Dρ. (b) For any σ ∈ Σ satisfying φ(KFW +∆)|σ = 0, we have σ is smooth and non-dicritical. The latter means that either relint(σ) ∩ W ∩ N = ∅ or σ ⊂ W . (pdf) (Chang 和 Chen, 2023, p. 2)