Install and basic setting¶
zotero 7:
- zotmoov
- zotero better notes
using zotmoov attanger to move files
zotero 7 to rename:
{{ title case="snake" }}{{ creators case="snake" prefix="_" max="1"}}{{ year prefix="_" }}
use any cloud drive to sync. I'm using OneDrive.
zotero better notes¶
name: '[QuickInsertV2]'
text: "// @use-markdown\n${linkText} [ob](/zotero/${subNoteItem.getNoteTitle ? subNoteItem.getNoteTitle().replace(/[/\\\\?%*:|\"<> ]/g, \"-\") + \"-\":\"\"}${subNoteItem.key}) <a href=\"${link}\">zn</a>"
name: '[QuickImportV2]'
text: "<blockquote>\n${{\n return await Zotero.BetterNotes.api.convert.link2html(link, {noteItem, dryRun: _env.dryRun});\n}}$\n</blockquote>"
name: '[QuickNoteV5]'
text: "${annotationItem.annotationComment}\n${{\n let res = \"\";\n res += await Zotero.BetterNotes.api.convert.annotations2html([annotationItem], {noteItem, ignoreComment: true});\n return res;\n}}$"
name: '[ExportMDFileNameV2]'
text: '${noteItem.parentItem ? "A-":""}${(noteItem.getNoteTitle ? noteItem.getNoteTitle().replace(/[/\\?%*:|"<> ]/g, "-") + "-" : "")}${noteItem.key}.md'
name: '[ExportMDFileHeaderV2]'
text: "${{\n let header = {};\n header.tags = noteItem.getTags().map((_t) => _t.tag);\n header.parent = noteItem.parentItem\n ? noteItem.parentItem.getField(\"title\")\n : \"\";\n return JSON.stringify(header);\n}}$"
name: '[ExportMDFileContent]'
text: "${{\n\tlet str = mdContent;\n\tlet rmspan = str.replace(/<\\/?span.*?>/g, '');\n\tlet isolink = rmspan.replace(/(<a.*?>)“(.*?)”<\\/a>/g,'$2 $1(to zotero pdf)</a>');\n\treturn isolink;\n}}$"
Or you can copy these:
# This template is specifically for importing/sharing, using better
# notes 'import from clipboard': copy the content and
# goto Zotero menu bar, click Tools->New Template from Clipboard.
# Do not copy-paste this to better notes template editor directly.
name: "[QuickInsertV2]"
zoteroVersion: "7.0.9.SOURCE.fadbf3d2d"
pluginVersion: "2.0.18"
savedAt: "2024-11-07T07:59:45.835Z"
content: |-
// @use-markdown
<a href="${link}">${linkText}</a> [md](/wiki/zotero/${subNoteItem.getNoteTitle ? subNoteItem.getNoteTitle().replace(/[/\\?%*:|"<> ]/g, "-") + "-":""}${subNoteItem.key})
# This template is specifically for importing/sharing, using better
# notes 'import from clipboard': copy the content and
# goto Zotero menu bar, click Tools->New Template from Clipboard.
# Do not copy-paste this to better notes template editor directly.
name: "[QuickImportV2]"
zoteroVersion: "7.0.9.SOURCE.fadbf3d2d"
pluginVersion: "2.0.18"
savedAt: "2024-11-07T05:54:37.696Z"
content: |-
return await Zotero.BetterNotes.api.convert.link2html(link, {noteItem, dryRun: _env.dryRun});
# This template is specifically for importing/sharing, using better
# notes 'import from clipboard': copy the content and
# goto Zotero menu bar, click Tools->New Template from Clipboard.
# Do not copy-paste this to better notes template editor directly.
name: "[QuickNoteV5]"
zoteroVersion: "7.0.9.SOURCE.fadbf3d2d"
pluginVersion: "2.0.18"
savedAt: "2024-11-07T05:54:55.255Z"
content: |-
let res = "";
if (annotationItem.annotationComment) {
res += await Zotero.BetterNotes.api.convert.md2html(
} else {
res += "No comment";
return res;
// @use-markdown
let res = "";
res += await Zotero.BetterNotes.api.convert.annotations2html([annotationItem], {noteItem, ignoreComment: true});
return res;
# This template is specifically for importing/sharing, using better
# notes 'import from clipboard': copy the content and
# goto Zotero menu bar, click Tools->New Template from Clipboard.
# Do not copy-paste this to better notes template editor directly.
name: "[ExportMDFileNameV2]"
zoteroVersion: "7.0.9.SOURCE.fadbf3d2d"
pluginVersion: "2.0.18"
savedAt: "2024-11-07T05:55:24.890Z"
content: |-
${(noteItem.getNoteTitle ? noteItem.getNoteTitle().replace(/[/\\?%*:|"<> ]/g, "-") + "-" : "")}${noteItem.key}.md
# This template is specifically for importing/sharing, using better
# notes 'import from clipboard': copy the content and
# goto Zotero menu bar, click Tools->New Template from Clipboard.
# Do not copy-paste this to better notes template editor directly.
name: "[ExportMDFileHeaderV2]"
zoteroVersion: "7.0.9.SOURCE.fadbf3d2d"
pluginVersion: "2.0.18"
savedAt: "2024-11-07T05:55:34.047Z"
content: |-
let header = {};
header.tags = noteItem.getTags().map((_t) => _t.tag);
header.parent = noteItem.parentItem
? noteItem.parentItem.getField("title")
: "";
header.collections = (
await Zotero.Collections.getCollectionsContainingItems([
(noteItem.parentItem || noteItem).id,
).map((c) => c.name);
return JSON.stringify(header);
# This template is specifically for importing/sharing, using better
# notes 'import from clipboard': copy the content and
# goto Zotero menu bar, click Tools->New Template from Clipboard.
# Do not copy-paste this to better notes template editor directly.
name: "[ExportMDFileContent]"
zoteroVersion: "7.0.9.SOURCE.fadbf3d2d"
pluginVersion: "2.0.18"
savedAt: "2024-11-07T05:56:22.434Z"
content: |-
let start = mdContent;
let rmspan = start.replace(/<\/?span.*?>/g,'');
let pdflink = rmspan.replace(/(<a .*?open.*?>)“(.*?)”/g,'$2 $1(pdf)</a>');
let dir2zotero = pdflink.replace(/<a href.*?zhref="(.*?)" ztype.*?>/g,'<a href="$1">');
return dir2zotero;
annotation will be exported as
<span class="highlight" data-annotation="<data-annotation>" ztype="zhighlight"><a href="zotero://open/library/items/G4BKVA2X?page=2&annotation=LZLEYYRJ">“<content>”</a></span> <span class="citation" data-citation="<citation>" ztype="zcitation">(<span class="citation-item"><a href="zotero://select/library/items/GLXUZZJT"></a></span>)</span>
the color of annotation is coded as
in <data-annotation>
, for example blue (#2ea8e5) annotation is %232ea8e5