My neovim¶
My config on github.
I'm using nvim as a code editor, mainly for latex and markdown.
neotree hop. check /lua/config/keymaps.lua for keymapping.
using vimtex to detect math environment, and texlab lsp to complie.
cmp and ultisnips to enhance editing.
mkdnflow to enhance.
leadermp to open markdown-preview
leadero to open outline
gr to go to reference, gd to go to definition
Detail Configure¶
in /lua/config/options.lua
I am using lazy.nvim as my plugins manager. Plugins are divided in serval classes, and following are some of mostly used plugins:
- edit: enhance for editing
- mini.surround,
- mini.align,
- mini.splitjoin, gJ and gK to split or joint
- fcitx.nvim, 中文输入自动切换
- nvim-autopairs,
- zen-mode.nvim, zen mode, focus on editing
- undotree, like a temporary git
- vim-translator, translate words
- hop.nvim, jump anywhere
- cmp: my completion
- nvim-cmp,
- ultisnips, snippets
- cmp-nvim-ultisnips, commute ultisnips with cmp
- cmp-nvim-lsp, lsp source
- cmp-buffer, source from other buffers
- copilot.lua, copilot source
- cmp-path, path source
- editor: enhance for latex and markdown
- vimtex, for latex
- markdown-preview.nvim, preview md in browser
markview.nvimrender-markdown, render md in nvim- mkdnflow.nvim, help edit list, table etc in nvim
- git: using git in nvim
- gitsigns.nvim, show git status at left, jump by hunks
- diffview.nvim, show diff with history files
- lsp:
- nvim-lspconfig, Configure lsp
- mason.nvim, install lsp
- glance.nvim, jump by definitions, references etc
- outline.nvim, jump by symbols etc
- file explorer:
- neo-tree.nvim, file tree
- yazi.nvim, yazi (tui file manager) in float terminal
- telescope: telescope.nvim, fuzzy finder
- ui:
- nightfox.nvim, my theme
- nvim-colorizer.lua, show color like
- lualine.nvim, modeline, bufferline etc
- hlchunk.nvim, show indent line etc
- enhance native functions:
- lazy.nvim, plugin manager
- wilder.nvim,
cmd and/
search - which-key.nvim, show leader key sequence
- nvim-spectre, search and replace
- vim-startuptime, show start up time
- suda.vim, sudo write files